17 January 2025

Atwood Newsletter 17th January 2025

From making slime to building shadufs, there has been a lot going on at Atwood this week.

In Nursery the children have been learning all about the Gingerbread Man while in Reception the children have been studying The Gruffalo and making slime. You can read more about their exploits here:



This week Year 1 in their thematic lessons have been learning about a piece of artwork called ‘The Toy Shop’ by Peter Blake.  At the end of the unit, the children will create a year group version of his work and they started the project by exploring shading and tinting.  The children also made observational drawings of their own toys by sketching.  In maths, the children have been adding ones using number bonds to 10.  They have also used number bonds to 10 to help them find number bonds to 20.  During English, the children orally rehearsed our modelled text about how we found their missing toys and then used a whiteboard to write down the sentences using time adverbs.  In their first lesson about ‘Materials, the children discussed what they already knew about the topic and what they would like to find out.

This week, Year 2 have been writing fantastic sentences about Little Red Riding Hood.  They have also been learning about fraction in maths.  In their thematic work the children have been comparing London in 1666 with how it looks now.  The children have also been developing their art skills by using watercolours to paint a background for their Great Fire of London silhouette.

Year 3 have been investigating rocks and soils in science this week.  In their literacy lessons they have continued working on their own versions of fables.  They have been learning about and trying to include fronted adverbials.  In maths, the children have continued learning about money and have been working out change in money problems.  Elsewhere in PE, the children have been introduced to hockey and honing their throwing and dodging skills in dodgeball.

In Year 4 the children have been learning about the life of the Roman Emperor Septimius Severus and creating a fact file.  They have continued their writing about a day in Pompeii by writing eye witness statements for the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.  The children are using fronted adverbials and subordinate clauses to make their writing more interesting.  In maths, the children have been focusing on multiplication and in PE the children have been developing their hockey skills by practising their dribbling.

 The children in Year 5 have continued researching facts for their writing all about the Amazon rainforest.  In maths the children have been finding and making equivalent fractions and solving related problems.  In their thematic work the children have been developing their skills when working with clay to make dragon heads similar to those found of the front of Viking ships.  The children had to think really carefully about how to mould the clay rather than trying to build a model by sticking pieces back together.  The children have learnt that if the shape is too thin or if the pieces are too small, they will crack and beak away as the model dries.

In Year 6 the children have been using their persuasive writing skills to compose a letter to The British Museum arguing for The Rosetta Stone to be returned to Egypt.  They are looking forward to delivering their letters in person when they visit the museum next week.  In maths, the children are developing their understanding of converting measures and in their thematic work the children have been making a shaduf.

 Boom Arts Academy

We are delighted to celebrate the remarkable achievements of Atwood students who recently completed their external ISTD (Imperial Society of Teachers of Dance) Street Dance exams through Boom Arts Academy held at Sanderstead Methodist church. This prestigious and accredited examination recognises their hard work and talent.

Congratulations to: Theo, Jessica, Olivia, Ellie, Theo, Neave Annabel.


Please check because new dates are being added all the time.


Tuesday 21st January; Year 6 Young Voices at the O2

Tuesday 28th January:  Year 6 British Museum Trip

Friday 7th February: Atwood Museum Day

Friday 14th February: Break for half term

Monday 24th February: Return to school

Friday 28th February: Ruby class assembly

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Week beginning Monday 17th March: Year 5 Carroty Wood Residential

Monday 17th March: Parents’ evening

Tuesday 18th March: Parents’ evening

Friday 21st March: Orange class assembly

Friday 4th April: End of spring term

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Published on 17th January, 2025

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