We have had a busy week of learning at Cypress and we have loved seeing the children progress.
At the lower school, we have been focusing on the value of kindness. We have been learning that each day is like a blank canvas and we have the option to colour it with kind things. Ms Binks was very impressed that the children could explain the impact of kind and unkind actions on others. The children are all focusing on colouring the lower school with kindness and making the school a happy place to be.
Professor Bubbleworks visits Reception
On Tuesday our Reception classes were visited by Professor Bubbleworks. The children were very excited ad they got the chance to be scientists. Every child got the chance to make their own slime. It was very interesting as the children noticed that the slime changed from a liquid at the start to a solid after they mixed it. They enjoyed exploring the texture. Well done Reception!
Violet Class visit the Mosque
As part of their learning about Islam, Violet Class visited Croydon Mosque. The children had a fantastic time and enjoyed meeting the Imam and learning new things. They will then apply what they have learnt into their RE lessons in school.
Cypress Superstars
Congratulations to Sufyan in Blue Class who came to show his brilliant writing he had completed. Sufyan used his phonic knowledge, finger spaces and correct letter formation to produce a lovely piece of work. Congratulations to Mateen in Ruby Class who came to show his maths division work. Mateen was able to explain how he had used his knowledge of multiplication tables to help with his division. Congratulations to Penda, Julia, Abigail, Louiza and Oscar in Turquoise Class who had used investigated using primary colours to create secondary colours and shades. They will then use in these skills in their ‘Great Fire of London’ paintings. Well done to Lakai in Orange Class who came to show his writing about his slime. He had used his sounds and finger spaces to produce a lovey piece of work. Lakai could also explain how he made the slime.
We wish all our children and families a lovely weekend.
Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team