10 January 2025

ATW Newsletter 10th January 2025

Happy New Year.  It has been lovely to see all the children back in school after the break and we have launched straight back in to our learning.  We even had a little bit of snow to make the week more exciting.  Sadly most of it had gone but the children did their best to make snowmen and igloos with the little bit that remained.

In Reception, the children have returned to a week filled with Monsters!  You can read more here.


Year 1 had an exciting start to the week with a Toy Workshop. They had lots of fun learning about old and new toys.  The session was hosted by Mrs Jenkins and to start with she told the children all about what life was like in the past.  Throughout the morning, the children were shown many old and new toys, and found out how they worked.  This linked with our science topic of ‘Materials’. Then the children brought in toys from home and they ran away! The children had to hunt through the school, following clues. They are writing about this hunt in their English lessons. Elsewhere, in maths this week, the children ordered teens numbers and added 10 to a 1-digit number.  The children also added by counting on using a number line and tens frame.  In science, the children have learnt about the season of winter and discussed the weather, clothes plants and animals you would find in this season.


This week, Year 2 have enjoyed exploring the different twisted fairytales of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. They are excited to create their own ‘baddie’ next week to include in their story. In Maths, the children have been learning about how to divide using sharing and grouping. In Thematic, they have started a new topic ‘Looking at London’.  The children discussed what they already know and what they would like to learn this term.  Finally, in science the children have been learning about the suitability of different materials.


In Maths, Year 3 have been converting monetary values for example, £s to pence. They have also been working systematically to solve problems.  In English, the children have been reading The Hare and the Tortoise and learning about Aesop’s Fables in preparation for writing their own.  In their Thematic work, the children have been mapping where the exhibits in The Great Exhibition of 1852 came from and identifying the countries in an atlas.


Year 4 finished off a busy first week with a fantastic Roman workshop.  The classrooms looked like a Roman invasion this morning and the few children who turned up dressed as Celts looked seriously outnumbered.   The children then enjoyed a day of Roman themed activities.  They played a Roman game, took part in a quiz and handled Roman artefacts.  The children were superb at the army drills and they finished off with a battle.  The children have also been reading the book ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit to support their study of Romans.


Year 5 have started the term by researching and learning about rainforests and the Amazon in preparation for some non-fiction writing.  They have also been experimenting with clay sculpture techniques in preparation for making a dragon head.  In their science lessons, the children investigated separating materials through evaporation.


Year 6 have been learning about the Rosetta Stone.  As well as its significance in helping to understand hieroglyphics, the children have been thinking about why it is in The British Museum and whether or not it belongs there or should be returned to Egypt.  Next week, the children will be writing a persuasive letter to argue their case depending on their point of view.  In maths, the children have been learning about area and perimeter and in their PE sessions they have been learning some nee hockey skills and polishing their dodgeball skills.



Please check because new dates are being added all the time.

Wednesday 15th January: Jade Class assembly

Tuesday 21st January; Year 6 Young Voices at the O2

Tuesday 28th January:  Year 6 British Museum Trip

Friday 7th February: Atwood Museum Day

Friday 14th February: Break for half term

Monday 24th February: Return to school

Friday 28th February: Ruby class assembly

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Week beginning Monday 17th March: Year 5 Carroty Wood Residential

Monday 17th March: Parents’ evening

Tuesday 18th March: Parents’ evening

Friday 21st March: Orange class assembly

Friday 4th April: End of spring term



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Published on 10th January, 2025

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