15 July 2024

CYP Lower: Sports’ Day Fun

On Friday, we held our annual Sports’ Day at Cypress Lower.  In the morning, Nursery and Reception showed off their sporting prowess and team work skills.  They worked their way through 10 different activities and we were amazed by the skill and support for one another the children showed.

In the afternoon, it was the turn of Year 1 and 2 who had a circuit of 12 different activities to complete.  Once again, the children all rose to the occasion and showed amazing enthusiasm.  It was pleasing to see children showing resilience and trying activities they found challenging.

To see the children in action, watch our video highlights below.

We ended the sessions with the Parent Race which was extremely popular as always. The final event was the Tug of War with the ladies and men winning one each to make this a draw.

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came along to support their children.  It was a really successful and enjoyable day.

Ms Binks and the Cypress Lower Team

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Published on 15th July, 2024

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