05 July 2024

CYP: Loving Learning

It has been another busy week at Cypress with everyone working hard and learning new things.  We are in the final part of the academic year now and are really impressed with the resilience and commitment to learning the children are still showing.

At the Lower School, we have been thinking about the values of a ‘Pegasus Person’ and showing our key values in all we do.  We also continued learning about people and services who help us by learning more about the role of the NHS and the work they do. At the Upper School we are thinking about acceptance of others . We understand that we are all different. Our differences create our identity, and make us unique – an original masterpiece! We know we must value difference – the world would be a very uninspiring place if we were all the same.

Year 3 also travelled to the Wetlands Centre this week and had an amazing and returned to school inspired. News story on this to follow shortly…

Summer Fair

A huge thank you to Cypress PTFA for all their hard work and organisation of the Summer Fair.  So many of you volunteered to set up, run stalls and clear up at the end of the day.  The event was a huge success with the fine weather meaning lots of guests.  We were so pleased to see so many of our children and their families enjoying their day.  Thank you to all the members of staff who also came along and helped on the day.

Year 6  were also busy on the day running their enterprise stalls.  They ran a successful teddy bear stall with lots of new homes being found for bears, a raffle and an eco-stall.  We are really proud of you.

Year 6 Eco Efforts at Summer Fair
We have been thrilled to announce exciting developments over the last few months relating to our the Upper School garden, thanks to the generous donation from the PTFA. Our students have shown incredible initiative to support this project, with Lexi, Abbey, and Leah in Year 6, leading the charge.
At the summer fair, these talented girls independently organized an Eco Stall to raise additional funds. Abbey crafted amazing cardboard coin purses, Lexie planted vegetables and herbs and made beautiful flower-pressed cards, and Leah dazzled as a temporary tattoo wizard. Their hard work paid off, raising an impressive £89!
Well done, girls! Your dedication and creativity are truly inspiring.

Cypress Garden Project

Luke Terry Construction have been busy beginning Phase 2 of the garden project at Cypress! They are just preparing the grounds after Richard North, Jemma Wylie and Rona Glynn and team worked hard to clear the garden to prepare for Luke’s team. Thank you to the CYPU Garden team for all of your hard work!


Cypress Arty Postcards

Thank you to Suzanne Pink for displaying all the wonderful postcards and winning entries at the Summer Fair.  It was a beautiful exhibition and the families really enjoyed seeing the children’s achievements.  If you entered the raffle or made a postcard thank for your support.  We are very grateful to Mel Ellison and Suzanne Pink for organising such a successful event.

Cypress Superstars

Well done to Kit and Otis in Yellow Class who came to share their wonderful independent writing about ‘Superworm’.  Ms Binks loved reading their work and hearing all about the book.  Congratulations to Skye in Red Class who cam to visit with an excellent version of ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’ that she had created using the materials in the writing corner. She really is a talented artist. Phoebe, Cillian, Lewis and Lily  in Cedar class came to see me to give me some information about themselves in Spanish. It was so good, that I thought I’d share! Click the link below to listen.

Kavell  in Holly has worked hard to produce a wonderfully descriptive recount of his trip to the Wetlands Centre on Tuesday. The experience has clearly inspired you, Kavell! Samia in Hawthorn came to read to me yesterday. She read with good fluency and confidence. Samia, you have made great progress in your reading – we are very proud of you!  Alex in Holly visited the office to show me a non- chronological report he had created on the woolly mammoth. Alex, keep developing your research skills; your knowledge on the topic is impressive! Kobe, Cillian and Tyler in Cedar visited me to share their descriptive paragraphs written to capture a magical moment in their present English text, ‘Leon and the Place Between’.  You used ambitious vocabulary to add interest to your writing and thought carefully about sentence structure. You all are very talented writers! Willa in Lime, has produced the most detailed fruit and vegetable planner. She also shared her in-depth knowledge about seasonality, detailing what she should plant when, and why.

We are very proud of Layla, Lily, Praise and Mathilde, who helped a Cypress neighbour whose recycling bin had fallen over in the wind. They helped pick up all of the items that had been scattered on the floor. Our neighbour called the school office to tell us how helpful they were!

We wish all our children and families a restful and relaxing weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 5th July, 2024

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