28 June 2024

Atwood Newsletter 28th June 2024

We are rapidly running out of weeks in the school year but the children are still working hard and learning lots of interesting things.  Read on to see what they have been up to this week.

In Reception and Nursery, the children have been learning about frogs, fires, trees and shapes.

Reception news link:


Nursery news link:


In Year 1, the children have been writing their own versions of The Awongalema Tree having decided on their own characters.  They have been using superlatives to describe their character’s traits and appearance. The children have also been building on their learning about units of time such as days weeks and months.  In science, the children have continued to think about identifying reptiles and amphibians.

This week, Year 2 have been planning their own adventure story based on ‘The Secret of Black Rock’, they have created some beautiful expanded noun phrases. In Maths, the children have moved on to look at position and direction they enjoyed getting out into the sunshine to learn about how to tell left from right by using instructions to tell a partner to move forwards or backwards. In Thematic the children have started to look at the different types of puppets there are taking inspiration for when they make their own hand puppets.

In Year 3, the children have started studying their new text, ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Angela McAllister.  In maths, the children have been finishing off their measurement unit buy learning about capacity whilst in their thematic learning they have been learning to identify and label rivers and mountains on the map of the UK.

In Year 4, the children are enjoying Onjali Rauf’s ‘The Boy of the back of the Class’.  This week they have been writing in role to produce a diary entry from the point of view of Ahmet.  The children have been thinking about how to use powerful, emotive language to describe his journey to England as a refugee fleeing war in Syria.

In Year 5, the highlight of the week was a trip to The Tower of London.  The children got to see all the sights and walk the ramparts. They even got to visit the Crown Jewels which links to work they have been doing in their writing about the attempted theft of the jewels in 1671. They also had a workshop with Edward Seymour who was imprisoned in the Tower before being executed at Tower Hill.  The children also enjoyed seeing all the weapons and instruments of torture in the armoury and being locked in a cage by Mrs Mitchell.

In Year 6, the children have been writing about the adventures of Odysseus and his misadventures with the Cyclops.  They have also been putting the final touches to their upcoming show along with building sets and making costumes.  The glimpses of rehearsals that I’ve seen suggest we are in for a treat.


At the time of last week’s newsletter going to press, selected young athletes were on their way to Croydon Sport to compete in the Croydon Finals.  All of the children did a fantastic job representing the school with strong showings in all the events. Our (amazing) results are as follow:


Semi finalists

Boys relay (Kai, Joseph, Nikolai, Daniel, Hamish)- 6th

Daniel(sprint) -4th

Tekkara (high jump) 6th



Oliver (long jump) 1st

Eloise(800m) 1st

Analiese (throwing) 3rd

Asher(sprint) 4th

Robyn (high jump) 5th

Nikolai(600m) 7th

Alicia(600m) 11th

Well done to all the athletes who competed and thanks to all the staff and parents who came along to support.

 Atwood School Fair

Thank you to everyone who supported the school fair.  Whether you were there all weekend putting up and taking down stalls or simply came along to spend some money and enjoy the fun, it all contributes to funds for the school.   Although we await news of the final figure raised, we know that the fair was well attended and a huge amount was raised. Special thanks go to Helen, who putting the whole thing together.

And finally

Well done to all our Eco Squad who have been out on the field today collecting litter.  An excellent job done although it would be lovely if it wasn’t necessary and all the litter went in the bins.


Please check because new dates are being added below

  • 2nd and 3rd July: Year 6 Production.
  • Thursday 4th July: Year 2 Broadstairs Trip
  • Friday 5th July: Reception Fun Day
  • Friday 5th July; Swimming Gala, Whitgift School: selected children
  • Thursday 11th July; Fundraising day (including Mufti)
  • Friday 12th July: Reports out/ New classes allocated.
  • Friday 12th July: FOAP Disco for Years Reception to Year 5
  • Monday 15th July: Year 3 Trip to RHS Wisley
  • Wednesday 17th July: Rocksteady Concert
  • Thursday 18th July: Year 6 Leavers’ event
  • Friday 19th July: Last day of term
  • Wednesday 4th September: First day of autumn term.

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Published on 28th June, 2024

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