28 June 2024

Cypress – Sunshine, sandcastles, sports and success

It has been a lovely sunny week at Cypress and so much has been happening.

At the Lower School, we have been focusing on showing good manners and ensuring we are always ‘Pegasus People’.  We have been very impressed with how well the children are demonstrating this skill.  As this week is ‘Armed Forces Week’ we have also been learning about the work they do and why they are important. At the Upper School we have been visited by two officers  the Safer Neighbourhoods Team, PC Alex and PCSO Eric. They came and spoke to us about the police and how they work to keep us safe, how to keep ourselves safe, whilst out and about and also talk about bullying and cyberbullying. We have also been thinking abbout listening to and respecting the ideas and opinions of others even when they differ from our own.

Music Concerts

This week we have had two concerts for our pupils who have been learning instruments and this provided them with an opportunity to share their learning as well as perform in front of an audience.  We are very fortunate to have so many music teachers able to offer lessons to our pupils at Cypress.  The children have shown real commitment and enthusiasm in their lessons with some learning multiple instruments.

On Tuesday, our violinists and pianists shared their skills.  We were treated to individual and group performances and ended with a beautiful ensemble piece with all the violinists playing together.  It is amazing to see how much progress the children have made since their concert last year.  Thank you to Fiona Thompson and Anne Wharton for all your hard work and to Steve Gibson for accompanying on the piano.

On Wednesday, it was the turn of the recorder, flute and guitar players to share their learning.  Once again, it was astounding to see the progress made.  The confidence they showed was amazing.  This concert featured pupils from |Year 1 to Year 6 and we were very proud of the skill, resilience and empathy they showed during the performance.  Thank you to Hannah Anderson and Barbara Matos for you hard work with the children and Ms Wayman for accompanying on the piano.

Cypress Arty Postcards

This week the winning postcards were announced with the winners receiving a prize.  An enlarged version of the winning entries will also be displayed at the Summer Fayre this Saturday.  The Lower School winners were: Orla in Red Class, Marlowe in Orange Class, Sky in Blue Class and Nyla in Violet Class.  At the Upper School, the winners were: Lalibela in Oak, Evie in Hazel, Owen and Ilyas in Hawthorn. Well done to all of our Arty Postcard winners! A big thanks to Suzanne Pink and Mel Ellison from Cypress PTFA for organising this exciting art compeition.


Croydon Sports 

Our children were very busy last week competing at Croydon Sports Competition at Croydon Arena. Please click here to read more.

Cypress Choir visit Lakeside Nursing Home

Some members of our Cypress Choir visited Lakeside Nursing Home on Monday. It was a joy to see everyone enjoying songs and joining in. They were a big hit with the residents – hopefully we will see them again very soon for another visit. Thank you to Ms Masawi for orgaising this enriching experience for our choir members.


Year 2 visit Broadstairs

On Thursday, a very excited Year 2 headed off to Viking Beach in Broadstairs by coach.  This trip was part of their thematic learning about the seaside.  The children had a wonderful day playing on the beach, building sandcastles and even enjoyed an ice-cream.  Thank to the Year 2 staff and all the parents and carers who came to help for making this such a memorable day for the children.

Year 2 Transition to the Upper School

This week Year 2 have begun their transition activities in preparation for their transition to the Upper School in September.  They have visited for assembly and break, had a tour of the school with Mrs Carpenter and played in the bottom playground with Year 6.  They are ending the week with paired reading in Woodland Library with Year 5.

Cypress Superstars 

Once again, we have lots of visits to the office with children sharing their successes.  We love seeing their achievements and it is a real highlight of the day when someone comes to share their learning.  Congratulations to Gordon, Favour, Ibi, Zarah and Maihan in Turquoise Class for your excellent use of powerful adjectives to describe the sea creatures from ‘The Black Rock’.  Well done to Orla in Red Class who produced some lovely writing about the animals she saw on the class trip to Capel Manor Farm.  Congratulations to Marcel, Kaden, Ahmed, Max and Sky in Blue Class who came to share their writing in role as the animals from the ‘The Awongalema Tree’.  Well done to Robyn in Red Class. who came to share her amazing independent writing. Congratulations to Jason in Blue Class who came to show his fantastic science work.  He was able to explain how he knows a lion is a carnivore. Well done to Clara in Beech, who has been working hard to sew logos on to costumes ready for the production. Thank you for your dedication, Clara! Bea and Emilia had written a wonderful story incorporating various fairytales – keep up the creativity. Your stories made me chuckle! Congratulations to Angel, who has been making great progress with her phonics and is now on Phase 3! Well done Angel in Birch, you read your words accurately and with automaticity. Teyana has been working hard to write dialogue to be included in her stroy inspired by Onjali Rauf’s ‘Boy at the back of the classroom – great effort!  Mateus has been writing some sentences describing the emotions he is feeling as the main character in ‘Leon and the Place Between’. Tom in Hawthorn also wrote  a narrative including dialogue to develop a charcter. Your dialogue made Ms Wayman laugh out loud! Great use of humour, showing real writing skill, Tom! Elias joined Mateus in my office. He was so supportive of his friend that he also is a Cypress Superstar this week. Great role model behaviour, Elias. Well done to Dani-Elrod, who explained to the Four Noble Truths to me, with great confidence. Rio and Joe have been working so dilligently in Spanish sessions that Ms Sa Walmsley sent them to the office to celebrate. Keep up the focus, boys!



We wish all of our children and families a relaxing weekend and hope to see you at the PTFA Summer Fayre this Saturday.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 28th June, 2024

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