19 June 2024

Riddlesdown STEM Day

Fantastic learning opportunities for Year 5

Children from Year 5 visited Riddlesdown Collegiate to take part in a STEM day.  As well as being a wonderful learning experience, the children had the opportunity to spend time in a high school, meet new teachers, and experience the atmosphere.  Jiya, Lavender Class, said, “I enjoyed the experience. It was a good taste of life at high school.”

The children sampled a wide variety of activities. Using Scratch, they programmed a maths game.  You can try this at home by clicking on the link below.  Excellent team work skills were needed as they raced against the clock to break a range of codes.   In a computing lesson, the children were introduced to a range of artificial intelligence programmes and learned how these programmes adapt and learn.  Nick, from Teal Class, had a wonderful day and commented, “I enjoyed meeting the teachers and using the equipment.”

To find out more, click on the links below.

Scratch – Imagine, Program, Share (mit.edu)

Quick, Draw! (quickdraw.withgoogle.com)

Semantris (google.com)

Image Gallery

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Published on 19th June, 2024

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