14 June 2024

Three days of fun for Year 6 at school

This week, a group of Year 6 children enjoyed three action-packed days both in and out of school.

On Wednesday, the activities were kicked off with a visit to the Tate Modern which sparked a lot of interesting debate about ‘what is art?’ followed by a sightseeing walk along the South Bank.

Thursday saw the children making their own pizzas from scratch, playing sport and taking part in a balloon-making workshop which produced some interesting headgear!

On Friday, the children were allowed to set their own agenda which included games, a picnic lunch and a pyjama party cinema experience.

All involved had a fantastic few days and made some memories with good friends that they will remember for ever. A big thank you to all the adults who helped make it happen!

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Published on 14th June, 2024

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