14 June 2024

CYP: Caring for ourselves and others

At the Lower School, we have been focusing on the Pegasus value, ‘We are safe, healthy and happy’.  In assembly, we have been learning about how to keep our minds healthy as well as our bodies.   We have talked about how exercise and doing things we like can help us to keep our minds healthy and that it is okay to find things hard and not be okay some days.  The children also learnt about the importance of healthy eating and drinking lots of water to keep ourselves hydrated. At the Upper School, we have been considering our collaboration skills and considering whether we learn well with others. We know that there may be times when we may need to work independently and others where group work is best. We also know that we need to consider others in the group and ensure all contributors feel heard and valued for group work to be successful.

Cedar class gave us a wonderful performance based on the Tin Forest and reminded us of the value of looking after our world and what we can do to help. They also reminded us of the power of persevering –  you never know what can happen if you keep on trying! They finsihed their assembly with a rousing rendition of ‘How far I’ll go’ from the Moana soundtrack. A big thanks to Miss Hassan and Miss Francis for helping the childre to deliver such a touching performance.

Year 6 School Journey

On Wednesday morning, 59 of our Year 6s headed out on the school journey to Cuffley Activity Centre in Hertfordshire. They have had an amazing time camping out in woodland and taking part in planned activities, challenging themselves and working with peers to develop essential skills such as communication, problem-solving and teamwork. Please click here to read our news story about Day 1 and here for Day 2

We look forward to seeing our wonderful Year 6 on their return this afternoon. Hopefully tonight the teachers will finally get some sleep!

Year 2 visit Morden Hall Park

This week, Year 2 took the bus and tram to Morden Hall Park to extend their learning about ‘Living Things and their Habitats’.  Each class spent a session exploring the woodland habitat.  They had the chance to find slugs, snails, worms, beetles, woodlice and many more invertebrates.  The children also had the chance to explore and find creatures that live in the water by dipping nets into the river.  The children really enjoyed their day at Morden Hall Park.  Thank you to all our parents and carers who attended the trip for all your help and support.

Phonics Screening Check and Y4 Multiplication Tables Check

We are really proud of all our pupils who have completed the Phonics Screening and Multiplication Tables Check this week.  The children have demonstrated enthusiasm, resilience and great skills in their approach to this.  Well done to all of you!

Cypress Superstars

Well done to Adem in Yellow Class who impressed Miss Chapman with his accurate reading of CVC words.  We are all really proud of you!  Congratulations to David in Green Class who really impressed Ms Binks with his amazing reading.  He has made so much progress and can now sound talk and blend some really tricky words. Well done to Reuben, George, Aidan, Charlotte and Betty for their Mesolithic period (beginning of the Stone Age) homes! They used twigs to mimic the large wooden posts that would have held the structure and create the conical frame. They also used clay to mimic the animal skin, thatch or turf that would have been used to cover the frame. You were every knowledgeable about your Stone Age houses – well done!  Giorgia, Zhimran and Shyla in Cedar came to see me to show the wonderful artwork they had created related to their  work on the Tin Forest, about a man who dreams of a real forest and builds one out of tin, until finally one day it becomes a real place with trees, birds and animals. You confidently shared your knowledge of the interesting themes within the book with Ms Wesley and I – thank you.

Cypress Inspired Garden Wins Awards!
We were very excited this week to hear from Jemma and Rona, owners of local business Goldfinch Garden, and PTFA members leading our Cypress Upper Garden Project. They created a show garden for Gardeners World at the NEC in Birmingham. Their design, Fee Fi Fo Forage!  was judged and awarded a Platinum and ‘Best Interpretation of the theme – Share My Space’ The theme is about utilising the potential of small garden spaces and using them to help build a sense of community through the medium of gardening.  Please click here to see more information. Cypress Upper Garden will be a beneficiary of some of the woderful plants used in the creation of the beautiful garden below! Thank you Jemma and Rona, for all you are doing to develop our grounds and congratulations on your well-earned award!


We wish all our children and families a lovely weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 14th June, 2024

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