12 June 2024

CYP UPPER: Year 3 visit the beautiful Buddhapadipa Temple

This week, Year 3 visited the beautiful Buddhapadipa temple in Wimbledon. The classes enjoyed the sunshine as they travelled on two buses and a train to Wimbledon, before reaching the temple. As part of our RE curriculum, we looked at the design of the temple and the meaning of the different symbols within the temple grounds. We made our way around the temple to the peaceful meditation gardens lined with colourful plants and soothing sounds of a waterfall. Thanks to the sunshine, the children enjoyed their lunch outside next to the pond full of koi fish!


Inside the temple, a monk and a teacher explained a Buddhist story of life and death by using the intricate paintings on the walls. The monk taught us the importance of being positive and kind to everyone, which is a key belief for Buddhists. He ended the session with some relaxing meditation, showing us the importance of being still and taking a moment to reflect from our busy lives. Why don’t you give it a go now? 1,2,3…breath in, breathe out!


Thank you to all the parent volunteers that came with us.

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Published on 12th June, 2024

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