07 June 2024

Atwood Newsletter 7th June 2024

It has been a very busy first week back in school.

In Reception and Nursery, the children have been busy enjoying their learning in the sunshine.  The Reception children have been out and about on a trip to Godstone Farm. Meanwhile, in Nursery some of the children spent an afternoon in the Reception classrooms to make way for some of the new arrivals who will be joining our Nursery in September.  You can read more on the website.




During English this week, Year 1 started a new story called ‘Grace & Family’. They imagined they were the main character.  Grace received a letter with two tickets to Africa and the children ‘hot-seated’ her to ask questions about how she was feeling.  They then wrote about her thoughts and feelings as a diary entry. During maths, the children have continued their learning about money and matched coins to the different values. They also learnt how to recognise the different notes and counted coins using their knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.  At the end of the week, they used coins to make different money amounts.  In history, the children learnt many new and exciting facts about Nelson Mandela, and discussed how he was important to the people of South Africa and people around the world. They also created a class spider diagram, in science, about what they already knew about animals.

This week in English, Year 2 have been looking at the text ‘Gregory Cool’ learning about his experiences in Tobago and used this to write a letter back home in role. In Maths, the children have been finishing off learning about shape looking at the properties of 3D shapes. In Thematic, they started to design their own shells or sea creatures which they will be making out of clay next week thinking about the techniques they will use to create their designs.

In Year 3, the children have started a new topic about Plants in Science.  They have been focusing on the life of George Washington Carver who was known as ‘The Plant Doctor’. In Maths, the children have been learning to convert measures, for example, from centimetres to metres.  In computing, the children have been practising their touch typing to build up their speeds.

In Year 4, the children have been preparing for their upcoming multiple tables check. In English, the children have been reading ‘Once Upon a Wild Wood’ by Chris Riddell in preparation for writing their own Fairy Tales. They have also been reading ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and acting out the part of Mr Arable the farmer.

In Year 5, the children have been reading the book High Rise Mystery; a fantastic urban – set murder mystery with the teenage detectives Nik and Norva.  They have also been investigating shadows and the rotation of the Earth in Science and learning all about the graffiti artist Stik.

This week, Year 6 have been writing recounts about their exciting trip to Chessington World of Adventures.  They have also been holding auditions and casting for their upcoming end of year production of The Jungle Book.


Some of you may have noticed that there is now a defibrillator at the entrance to the school.  As part of a scheme, the defibrillator itself is provided by the Department for Education and the Trust has paid to have the box and cabling for the electricity supply.  These devices can have a real impact on cardiac arrest survival rates when used promptly. Modern defibrillators are simple and safe to operate and use. Once attached, the defibrillator will automatically analyse the individual’s heart rhythm and, if required, apply a shock to restart it or advise that CPR should be continued.  Whilst we hope that no one ever has to use it, it is comforting to know that it is there.


A group of selected children travelled to Croydon Sports Arena for an inter –school Pegasus sports event.  There were representatives from Atwood, Ecclesbourne, Whitehorse Juniors and Cypress Juniors.  All of the children acquitted themselves very well with some excellent performances.  As well as being a fun event with the chance to compete against some children from other schools, this was an opportunity for the children to familiarise themselves with the track and stadium that they will return to for the Croydon Athletics event in a couple of weeks’ time.



Please check because new dates are being added below

  • Monday 3rd June: Back after half term break
  • Monday 3rd June – Friday14th June: Year 4 Multiplication Tables check.
  • Monday 10th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check week
  • Thursday 20th June: Atwood Sports Day
  • Friday 21st June: Mufti Day – Bring a bottle for the FOAP Tombola
  • Saturday 22nd June: FOAP Summer Fair
  • Thursday 27th June: Year 5 Visit to the Tower of London
  • 2nd and 3rd July: Year 6 Production.
  • Thursday 4th July: Year 2 Broadstairs Trip
  • Friday 12th July: FOAP Disco for Years Reception to Year 5
  • Monday 15th July: Year 3 Trip to RHS Wisley
  • Thursday 18th July: Year 6 Leavers’ event
  • Friday 19th July: Last day of term

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Published on 7th June, 2024

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