07 June 2024

CYP: Building on our Learning

It has been a good first week back after half term and we have enjoyed seeing all our children and families back in school.

At the Lower School, we have been focusing on showing we care about the world we live in.  In our assemblies we have learning about World Environment Day and World Ocean Day which took place this week.  The children have shown they understand the importance of the world we live in and how we can all do small things to help look after our planet. At the Upper School, in Years 5 and 6, we have had PSHE lessons with Mrs Carpenter and have been thinking about why racism exists and how we can challenge it.  We know that the concept of race is not agreed by everyone and was created alongside the idea of racism during the empire building period (around the 1600s). We know that we have to be actively anti-racist by sharing our knowledge and reporting racism where we hear or see it. We also have had a KS2 assembly focusing on the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. We took time to reflect on the fight for freedom, that took place on 6th June 1944 and the sacrifices made for a future that we now enjoy.

Year 5 trip to the Tower of London

Year 5 children took a trip to the Tower of London on Monday, to add context to their current thematic topic: Crime and Punishment. They learned about its gruesome history and the mysteries surrounding it. They also visited the Crown Jewels! They really are as beautiful as the pictures suggest! Please click here to find out more and see the picture gallery.

Pegasus Athletics Compeition

Today, a selection of children from Year 5 and 6 Cypress competed against other children from schools within the Trust in the PAT Cup, held at Croydon Sports Arena. The first of it’s kind, children competed in the following events; 90m sprint (Year 6), 75m sprint (year 5), 800m (year 6), 600m (year 5), long jump, ball throw and 5x80m relay. As the sun shone, the children demonstrated determination, resilience and teamwork, cheering for each other all the way. They should be extremely proud of their efforts. We’re excited to see them compete again at Croydon Arena for the Croydon Sports Association Athletics Competition. We will update you with placings in the competition as soon as all results have been collated!

Well done to Ian, Ralph, Rico, Ruby, Nicolas, Malaika, Mariam, Taylan, Ela, Tyren, Sienna, Cruz, Pablo, Elliot, Evie and Faith who took part and proudly represented our school. We are very proud of you!

Cypress Superstars

The office has been busy with lots of visitors this week coming to celebrate their learning.  It is lovely to see the children building on things they have learnt before and making big strides in their learning.  Well done to Erik in Orange Class  and Caliyah and Orla in Red Class who came to see me with some excellent independent writing.  Bonnie in Ruby Class came to visit with some wonderful home learning about the seaside.  She had created a detailed model of a crab and produced a poster showing the things you need to take with you to the beach. Julia, Arona and Jaydah in Blue Class all came to show their excellent writing based on ‘Grace and Family’.  Ms Binks really enjoyed hearing their stories.  Lula and Ruth in Yellow Class also came to share their art work.  They had produced their own versions of the ‘The Snail’ by Matisse.  Rory in Green Class also came to share his independent writing.  He has made tremendous progress in his written work!

Well done to Lathan and Alana in Cedar who wrote as Edward Tulane from their current text, ‘The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane’ using descriptive sentences about their adventures! Munroe and Jadiael in Rowan created a junk model representation of the digestive system and explained skilfully how food is processed by the body. Well done, boys! Ida, Isobel and Dougie in Holly, who visited the office to share their knowledge on ‘The Peanut Man’, George Carver. He was an agricultural scientist and inventor who developed hundreds of products using peanuts, sweet potatoes and soybeans. It was great hearing you speak so knowledgeably! Flora in Oak Class has written a non-chronological report about the Arctic Wolf. It reads so well, it could have been written by the great David Attenborough himself! I was so impressed!

Palace’s Got Talent

On the 23rd June 2024, a talent contest is being run at Anerley Town Hall for primary school pupils aged 5-12 to showcase their skills.  There is the chance to win a £100 prize pot.  If you are interested, click on the link here to register your child before 9pm on Friday 14th June.

We wish all of our children and families a relaxing weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 7th June, 2024

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