17 May 2024

CYP: Celebrating Success

At the Lower School, we have been focusing on showing pride in ourselves and others.  We have been showing we can celebrate success and understand that celebrating the achievements of our friends can make us feel proud. It has been a jam-packed week at Upper School with the Year 6 children taking their SATs. We also had a wonderful assembly from the amazing Birch class.

Science Week

Next week is science week.  The children have lots of exciting learning planned to help them develop their knowledge, skills and love of science.  We launched this in assembly this morning where we explored what science is and carreid out a super experiment to create ‘elephant toothpaste’.  Thank you to Miss Ellis and Miss Wadham-Powell for organising this.

Walk to School Week

Next week is ‘Walk to School Week’  and this year’s challenge is ‘The Magic of Walking’.  This encourages children to travel to school activley each day.  Each child who travels actively will achieve a daily sticker. If they travel actively every day next week, they will receive a special badge.  To find out more about this, read our letter here.

Basketball Tournament

On Monday Year 3 enjoyed a basketball festival led by special basketball coaches. They learned basic basketball rules, were split into teams and played against each other in a mini-baseketball tournamnet. A great time was had by all. Year 4 are enjoying their festival today. Years 5 and 6 will join coaches for basketball next week. Special thanks to Ms Christopher who organised this event.

Cypress Superstars

It has been another busy week at Cypress with lots of children come to visit with some fantastic work.  Well done to Elsie in Yellow Class.  Elsie has labelled all the parts of a flower correctly and could explain what they do.  Adem in Yellow Class has made great progress in his phonics.  He could identify the correct initial sound and show me the magnetic letter for all the parts of a flower.  Robyn in Red Class, came to see us with a wonderful book she had written called ‘Can Rats Be Ballerinas?’ the story was really imaginative and beautifully illustrated.  Well done!.  Erik and Oliver in Orange Class came to visit with some lovely independent writing where they had used their imagination to explain what you could find at the top of their magic beanstalk.  Erik had ‘Pikachu land’ and Oliver a beautiful beach and sea.  Ms Binks decided she would like to visit both.  Geneva and Josephine in Orange Class produced some wonderful instructions for planting. They had used their sounds well and written independently.  Well done girls!  Ivy in Ruby Class has been showing the Pegasus value ‘We Care’ outside of school.  For the second year running,  she has taken part in a charity walk to raise money for The Royal Marsden Hospital.  We are so proud of you Ivy! Well done also to Alex in Holly, who produced a wonderful silhouette of Stonehenge lnked to the Year 3 Stone Age topic.I love the atmospheric background, Alex!

Year 6 Cypress Superstars

Well done to our Year 6 children who took their Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs) this week – a massive congratulations; you have all been focused and resilient and we could not be more proud of you all. You arrived to school on time with buckets of enthusiasm and great maturity. Although this has been a long week, and a tricky set of papers, you have met the challenge with resilience and character.

I would also like to thank our amazingly dedicated staff whocame to school early each day to ensure the children had breakfast together and were calm and ready for the tests. The atmosphere was light and the children felt supported. We even had an impromptu year group sing- along on the last morning, caught by Miss Wadham-Powell. Click below to watch the short snippet.


You have all played a part in ensuring SATs week ran smoothly; it takes a lot of work and preparation. Special thanks to Ms Prideaux, Ms Wayman, Ms Patel, Ms Simadree, Ms Snedden and Ms Braithwaite.

Have a lovely weekend.

Ms Binks, Mrs Carpenter and the Cypress Team

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Published on 17th May, 2024

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