10 May 2024

Atwood Newsletter 10th May 2024

As the sun finally appeared in Sanderstead, it has been a busy week at school.

n Reception and Nursery, the children have been busy enjoying their learning in the sunshine.




During English this week, Year 1 have learnt about how to write a question using a question words and a question mark.  The children read one of the ‘Tinga Tinga’ stories called ‘Why a Lion Roars’ and then wrote questions in role as the crocodile and lion. In maths, the children counted in 10s and made equal groups of 10s.  Using this knowledge, they then created arrays using multiples of 10. In art, pupils painted masks ready to add decoration next week. On Friday, the children visited the Horniman Museum and saw a variety of artefacts from Africa.  As part of their science learning, they also looked at the plants in the garden.

This week, Year 2 have been writing their own Iron Man adventures and they continued the construction of their own giant Iron Man.  He is currently taking over the Key Stage One hall!  The children have also been comparing Victorian seasides to the present day seaside.  They have been solving problems involving balancing scales and been on a science scavenger hunt finding things that are alive, not alive or were never alive.

In Year 3, the children have been thinking about recyclable tin forests linked to their class text ‘The Tin Forest’ by Helen Ward.  This charming tale follows an old man who tidies the rubbish in a junkyard and dreams of a better place. In maths, they have been learning about time and duration and thinking about how long things take.

In Year 4, the children have been thinking about decimals in maths and looking at Poetry with Goldilocks on CCTV! In science, the children have been learning all about the digestive system.

In Year 5, the highlight of the week has been the visit to the Science Museum. On Friday, the children set off in the sunshine to London where they visited the IMAX cinema to watch a film about ‘A Beautiful Planet’.  In English, the children have been studying the text ‘Hidden Figures’ and in maths they have been learning about acute and obtuse angles.  They are also enjoying ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ in their reading lessons.

This week, Year 6 have been researching wolves in preparation for a non-chronological report that they will be writing. They have also been adding the final touches as part of their revision and doing lots of Athletics in PE.


Next week, our year 6 children will be taking their SATs tests.  We know that SATs only measure a very small fraction of all the things that our wonderful children can do.  They don’t tell us about the dancers and singers, the runners and footballers, the musicians and all the other myriad skills and talents the children have.  Nevertheless, we wish them all the best for next week.


We recognise that parents like to take a ‘short-cut’ through the Reception outdoor learning area.  May we politely request that when you are dropping off or collecting at the end of the school day, please do not let your children play with the equipment in the Reception outdoor learning area.  In the mornings, resources may be set up for the school day and at the end of the day staff are having to spend time tidying up resources that have already been cleared away once.


And finally…

It is with sadness that today we say goodbye to Miss Chalmers as she goes off on maternity leave.  Although we are sorry to see her go, we know that is an exciting time for her and we wish her all the best for the birth. I would like to put on record my thanks for all the work she has been doing in Year 2 and we look forward to meeting the new arrival.




Please check because new dates are being added below

  • Week beginning 13th May: Year 6 SATs week
  • Monday 20th May Class Photos
  • Tuesday 21st May: Year 2 to Morden Hall Park
  • Wednesday 22nd May: Year 6 Chessington Trip
  • Thursday 23rd May: Atwood Class reps meeting 2.30pm
  • Thursday 20th June: Atwood Sports Day
  • Friday 24th May: Reception, Year 1 and 2 Bubble Workshop
  • Friday 24th May: Break for half term
  • Monday 3rd June: Back after half term break
  • Monday 3rd June – Friday14th June: Year 4 Multiplication Tables check.
  • Monday 10th June: Year 1 Phonics Screening Check week
  • Friday 21st June: Mufti Day – Bring a bottle for the FOAP Tombola
  • Saturday 22nd June: FOAP Summer Fair
  • Thursday 27th June: Year 5 Visit to the Tower of London
  • 2nd and 3rd July: Year 6 Production.
  • Thursday 4th July: Year 2 Broadstairs Trip
  • Friday 12th July: FOAP Disco for Years Reception to Year 5
  • Monday 15th July: Year 3 Trip to RHS Wisley
  • Thursday 18th July: Year 6 Leavers’ event
  • Friday 19th July: Last day of term
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Published on 10th May, 2024

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