Book Week

Book Week and World Book Day are one of many highlights in the Pegasus calendar!  We love having a focussed time to get excited about the books we enjoy and to share those stories, poems and information books with each other. We hope you will enjoy seeing some of our Pegasus leaders sharing stories and poems over the course of the week! We will reveal one a day so be sure to look out for the following people:


Monday – Ailsa Chapman from Cypress Lower;

Tuesday – Lynne Sampson, Executive Principal of the Pegasus Academy Trust;

Wednesday – Nancy Wayman from Cypress Upper;

Thursday – Michael Stephenson from Whitehorse Manor Junior School;

Friday – Paul Robins from Atwood Primary.


If you loved our stories and would like more…why not visit the World Book Day website where you can access a selection of free audio books!


Let’s get reading!


Mrs. Parker
English Lead for Pegasus Academy Trust


First published on 4th March, 2024 and modified 5th March, 2024

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