09 June 2023

Cypress Primary School – Welcome back!

Welcome back!  There are so many exciting events, trips, performances and celebrations happening this half term.  Please check out our calendar and keep an eye on Studybugs for updates: https://www.pegasusacademytrust.org/events-calendar

At the Lower School this week we have been learning about World Environment Day and sharing their message of #beatplasticpollution.  Look out for our class posters in KS1!  Mrs Guerry led an assembly about World Ocean Day on Tuesday, so we have been considering lots of environmental issues and thinking about how we can look after our planet.

At the Upper School we have been looked at the importance of interdepence as a skill for learning.  We have have thought about when we might work best on our own and when it might be better to work with others.  The children have been creating their own strategies and recorded these in the ‘Building Learning Power’ journals to refer to during lessons.

Cypress Superstars

Well done to Alfie, Clara and Jacob in Orange class for their writing.  They all wrote sentences about spiders and very carefully used their sounds, finger spaces and full stops.  They are clearly ready for Year 1!  Betty and Zuriel also completed some fantastic writing this week in Year 2, writing a letter from ‘Gregory Cool’ this his mum and dad.  They used the features of a letter and lots of detail and description.  Stella, Ellie and Elliot in Green class returned after half term with some amazing African animals they had made.  Check out the photo below!

At the Upper School, Eira in Hazel Class came to visit the office with an amazing piece of mystery writing.  She has a great writer’s voice and has used a range of sentence types to create suspense. What a fantastic piece of work! Well done to Matilde, Maya, Elif and Yasmin in Beech Class who came to share their ‘survival guides’.  The content and creative presentation was amazing to see! Congratulations to Jack, Hector, Bea, Bobby, Owen and Dara who took part in Race for Life at the weekend.  They each ran 5k and raised a lot of money for Cancer research.  We are all really proud of you!

Rowan Class Assembly

We began our Friday morning ar the Upper school with a fantastic assembly from Rowan Class.  They impressed us with their knowledge of foods’ journey through the digestive system. They acted out the journey of an apple through our bodies making great use of humour and comic timing.  We ended the assembly with a fanatstic rendition of ‘The Best Day of our Lives’ which was sung in two parts.  Thank you to Miss Marshall for all your hard work supporting the children and well done to the children for an amazing perfromance!

Zoolab visit Reception!

We took our first steps towards being Zoologists in Reception this week!  Our visitors from ‘Zoolab’ introduced us to many animals including spiders, amphibians and reptiles.  The reptiles, including a corn snake, felt cold and soft; the Tarantulas were creepy and furry; the millipede was delicate and fast, the tree frog showed us how he could camouflage himself!  It was brilliant morning and our Reception children learnt such a lot about what was special and unusual about each species.

Word of the Week

At the Upper school, this week’s ‘Word Wizard’ was Xaviera in Hawthorn class who write a fanatastic sentence using the word ‘robust’.  This week’s word is ‘moonlit‘.  Please put your entries in the box outside the office to be in with a chance of winning.

Crystal Palace Festival

Crystal Palace Festival are running a Talent Show  for Primary School Students and a Family Disco.  The event takes place between 5:30pm and 8:00pm on Friday 9th June at Anerley Town Hall.  Does your child love performing?  Don’t miss this chance for them to take part in this fun talent show to celebrate the Crystal Palace Community Trust’s work with the local community.  There’s a prize pot for the winner!  Just £2 per child entry fee payable on the night – performers can be solo or in groups. To find out more and apply click here.

Makaton Sign of the Week

We are building up our repertoire of Makaton signs by learning a new one each week, which we practise in our assemblies on a Friday.  Our Makaton Sign of the Week for this week is ‘same‘. Click here to see how to sign ‘same’.


We hope everyone has a fabulous weekend in the sunshine!

Mrs Sorensen, Ms Binks and the Cypress Team


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Published on 9th June, 2023

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