22 March 2023

Atwood Performs strongly at Cross Country

Atwood Cross Country Runners Perform Well

Mrs Bayliss reports ….

‘Congratulations to all runners in the third, and final, SLH Cross Country competition at Woodcote on Saturday 18th March.

Atwood’s team consisted of Grace White, Eloise Rockhold, Nadir Mohamed, Toby Love and Jacob Davidson. All of our Atwood runners performed fantastic runs and I am so proud of everyone for consistently representing Atwood at such a high standard.

As this was the final race in the series, all competitors received a medal of participation.

Toby Love and Jacob Davidson, who have both performed outstandingly across the 3 races, also received trophies for 3rd (Jacob) and 2nd (Toby) overall across the series – well done boys!’

I would like to add my congratulations to the squad – well done, children.

I would also like to add my thanks to Mrs Bayliss who gave up her time on the various Saturday mornings to accompany the squad.

Mr. Veale

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Published on 22nd March, 2023

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