10 March 2023

CYP: A Super Week of Learning

What a fabulous week at Cypress!

We began the week at the Upper by thinking about whether we plan for success.  In assembly, we discussed why it is important to plan for success and thought about the types of things we do to help us.  These include: understanding the task, thinking about the success criteria, thinking about the steps we need to take, how long the task will take and organising the resources we need to help us.  We have been using these skills in our lessons this week.

At the Lower School we celebrated International Women’s Day and learnt about how sometimes girls and women are not always treated the same as boys and men.  We considered how things have improved over time and learnt about some key women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Malala Yousafzai, who are modern day role models for women’s equality.  We also had an interesting discussion around jobs:  Can women be builders?  Are there any jobs that men or women can’t do?

Holly Class Assembly

This morning Holly Class treated us to a fantastic assembly about their school trip to Crystal Palace Park.  We travelled back in time with the class to visit ‘The Great Exhibition’ and saw exotic animals, acrobats and Punch and Judy show.  We saw children having tea with Queen Victoria and experienced what it would be like to be in a Victorian classroom.  The assembly finished with a rousing performance of ‘Consider Yourself’ from Oliver.  Well done Holly Class on a truly fantastic performance and to Miss Sterling, Mrs O’Connor, Ms Gould and Ms Francis for all your help getting the children ready for their assembly.

Upper School Eco-Squad and Gardening Day

This week the Eco Squad planted sunflower seeds for a competition within the classes.  At the end of this half term we will see which class has grown the tallest sunflower.
Just a reminder that this Saturday (11th March) we will be having a gardening day at the Upper site from midday to 3pm.  There will be teas and coffees available.  We hope you will be able to join us.

Word of the Week

This week’s word wizard at the Upper was Mohamed in Beech Class who wrote an excellent sentence using the word ‘reverberating’ and had linked it to his class trip to the National Gallery.  This week’s word is ‘gorge’. Please get your entries in to be in with a chance of winning.

At the Lower, Tyler and Ivy won rosettes for using the word ‘care‘ in a sentence.  Next week our word is ‘adventure‘.

Makaton Sign of the Week – Lower School

The new Makaton sign we are learning this week is bus.  Please click here to see how to sign bus

Cypress Superstars

Congratulations to Taylor and Kerim in Birch Class who visited me with their writing this week.  Taylor had been able to answer a range of questions about the book ‘The First Drawing’ and made great use of a word bank and his phonic knowledge to support him.  I really enjoyed hearing him read his work to me.  Kerim had really challenged himself with his description of a woolly mammoth and had used a range of ambitious adjectives in his work to enable the reader to clearly picture the animal. Congratulations to Amelie in Hawthorn Class who took her Grade 1 violin exam on Tuesday and got a distinction.  We are really proud of your achievements!

Jason in Orange class impressed Mrs Sorensen with his incredible writing about Peter Pan in Book Week.  It’s hard to believe he’s only in Reception!  Oskar and Emad in Ruby class have worked really hard on their maths this week, including completing 3 extra challenges.

Lower School Council fundraising

Cypress Lower School Council are busy fundraising for a new friendship bench for our playground, which we will dedicate to Ms Fernandez.  We raised over £300 today from your generous donations, with children and staff dressing up in the colours of the Spanish flag!  Lower School Council are holding a cake sale after school next Tuesday so please donate and buy some cakes to help us raise even more – click here to read their letter.

Book Fair

Thank you to those who visited the Cypress Book fair!  We sold over £2100 worth of books and earned £1217 in rewards which we can use to purchase new books for Cypress children.  Great news!

Polite Reminder

Our classrooms are open for children from 8.45am and all children must be registered by 9am.  If your child arrives after this time they are late and must sign-in via the school office.  All children must be collected promptly at 3.15pm.  Persistent lateness is detrimental to children’s learning time.  Thank you for your continued support.

NEU Strike Action

As you will be aware, there are two further days of planned strike action by teachers on Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March.  Please click here to see the arrangements for each class on these days.

Red Nose Day

Next Friday 17th March is Red Nose Day!  Please click here to read more about our plans, which include dressing up in an outfit inspired by ‘joy’.  This could be something lovely and bright that makes you happy, or something with an inspirational slogan or message.


Have a relaxing weekend.

Mrs Sorensen, Ms Binks and the Cypress Team

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Published on 10th March, 2023

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