26 April 2024
Ecclesbourne’s first foray into American football
A group of children from Years 5 and 6 attended their first Flag American Football tournament at Archbishop Tenison’s School, Croydon.
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
A group of children from Years 5 and 6 attended their first Flag American Football tournament at Archbishop Tenison’s School, Croydon.
Our Pegasus camping trip is fast approaching and the children are really excited for the adventure ahead!
At the end of the spring term children were invited to take part in a competition to celebrate the launch of the Figures of Black British Society (FOBBS) app.
This week we held our annual Easter egg raffle and it was a huge success!
EPS Staff beat our children’s netball teams in a pair of tightly fought battles.
EPS’s Meteors class put on a stunning assembly telling us all about the Stone Age.
Starting next week, Ecclesbourne is bidding for a cash boost from the Tesco Stronger Starts scheme, which provides grant awards of up to £1,500 to local community projects.
Today the three rock bands who have been working hard with the Rock Steady teacher this term gave their first performances, rocking out in the hall to thunderous applause.
CALAT (Croydon Adult Learning and Training) have been running family language classes in our Willow centre for our parents and carers.
EPS girls enjoyed a fun packed coaching session, showing off all of their skills.
Today we all wore red to celebrate Red Nose Day and raise money for Comic Relief.
Welcome to the vibrant world of spring poetry at Pegasus! In a wonderful celebration of creativity and expression, seven schools gathered together for an enchanting Spring Poetry Competition.
Our fantastic Netball team has topped the league with seven victories and two draws.
Dear Pegasus families, During a wonderful week of books we would like to share with you some of our Recommended Reads!
To celebrate World Book Day, children were all invited to select a book from the World Book Day range at school.